COVID-19 Extension covers Medical Expenses, Emergency Medical Evacuation and/or Repatriation, Trip Cancellation, Trip Curtailment and Return of Mortal Remains. The sum insured of COVID-19 Extension benefits vary based on plan type. For details, please refer to theTravellerShield Single Trip Travel Insurance Policy Wording and TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance Policy Wording.

For TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance, policyholder and spouse must be a HKID holder.

No, insured person has to purchase the travel insurance before he/she departs from Hong Kong SAR.

Yes, TravellerShield is designed for travelers who are travelling for leisure travel or for administrative business purposes. For TravellerShield Single Trip Travel Insurance, the journey should originate from Hong Kong SAR and the maximum journey duration is 182 days.

For TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance, each return journey should originate from and return to Hong Kong SAR and the maximum journey duration is 90 days; each One Way journey should originate from Hong Kong SAR and the maximum Journey duration is 30 days.

To ensure your coverage will not be interrupted, your policy will be renewed automatically for a further annual period upon the expiry date and the annual premium will be debited from the provided credit card. The renewal insurability is subject to the terms and conditions in the policy wording.

Immediate Family Member means an Insured Person’s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, siblings, grandchildren, legally adopted children or legal guardians.

If the insured person gets sick or suffers an injury during the journey, he/she can visit a qualified medical practitioner for medical consultation overseas. Moreover, TravellerShield Travel Insurance also provides coverage for follow-up medical expenses incurred in Hong Kong SAR within 90 days after he/she returns to Hong Kong SAR. Please remember to keep all doctor report(s)/ receipt(s) for claims purposes.

In the event of a medical emergency, please call the Chubb Assistance 24-hour emergency hotline at (852) 3723 3030.

TravellerShield Travel Insurance provides emergency assistance services. In the event of injury of the insured person, he/she may call the 24-hour Chubb assistance hotline for medical service referral. If the insured person requires medical evacuation to another location or return to Hong Kong SAR for appropriate medical treatment on the advice of a physician, Chubb Assistance will provide evacuation arrangements. Chubb Assistance hotline also provides the following services:

  • Loss of luggage assistance
  • Loss of travel document assistance
  • Embassy / interpreter referral, etc.,

Travel Shielded with TravellerShield

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